Injection Mould Construction

A molding according to the function of each of its parts can be divided into four sections 1. Introductory part of the plastic nozzle into the cavity cavity 2. penunjuang system (support system) 3. demolding system 4. heat transfer system

Mold Base Standard Part

In the manufacture of injection mold, mold base is an integral part, mold maker can make your own mold base or buy a standard mold base, the system of the mold base can be adjusted with the construction standards required, both for the two plate and three plate, stripper plate ejectors, hot runner and mold base for a screw, when the entire standard mold base is not there to meet the new final step is to make a special mold base.

Injection Mould Classification

classification or types of mold injection very depend on what we need to make the plastic parts, because every parts have specific and unique design. when design molds we must see what the influencing factor like geometry, number of cavities, ejection principle, plastic material and shape of part.

Injection Mold Cooling

This section is the most important part of the overall mold cylcle time, because in one cycle time, the process of heat exchange to spend about 70-80% of the total cycle time, thus setting the optimal heat transfer system will greatly affect the quality and cycle time of a product.

Undercut System : Cam, Angular, Lift Cavity, Loose core

cavity and core, and its derivatives when there are undercut on product, design and construction of a good core cavity and in accordance with the requirement could increase the life of tooling itself, reduce material consumption, reduce dependence on maintenance inserts, and can reduce the cost of making the mold so the mold cost per products also declined.

Showing posts with label Sprue bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sprue bush. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sprue bush cooling design and construction

some times sprue bush need cooling to cut the cycle time of injection process, when diameter of sprue is large cooling in sprue bush is important. some fabrication of mold part have their own sprue bush that containing cooling pipe. like picture below

from those picture some standard part mold company have their own methods to make inner cooling at the sprue bush, we can by cutting in some part that weld together again, or by other method.

the other way to make cooling in sprue is like picture below

by those type of sprue we change the entrance and exit flow by using stopper buffle, for example like picture below

or you can make the flow straight, the other cooling method in sprue is like picture below, by using this type is easy to attach the O ring, becouse in and out flow from below side that contact with moldbase. becouse when assembling of ring to moldbase is more easy by attach the O ring in Moldbase then put the sprue bush than attach the O ring in sprue bush and assembling it together in moldbase.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sprue Bush Design in Injection Mold

The molten plastic injected from the injector nozzle will go through a sprue (sprue bush), a runner, and a gate and fill up in the cavity.
As the temperature of molten plastic is lowered while going through the sprue and runner, the viscosity will rise; therefore, the viscosity is lowered by shear heat generated when going through the gate to fill the cavity.
so learn Sprue bush design is important, becouse sprue bush is part that contact first time with melted plastic, bad design of sprue bush can make plastic product broken, especially sprue broken and runner broken.
picture below shown mold basic construction with sprue.

below is 3D model of sprue bush with 2 bolts

this type is commonly use in small mold size, until 350 ton injection machine is still used.

the other construction is 4 bolts, this sprue bush type commonly use in large mold type and mass production, more than 200 ton

and below is sprue bush with ring attachment, this type use when top plate thickness is width, but some designer prefer use large chamfer in top plate so with first model sprue bush is still can be attach

Sprue Bush Design Rule
1. Ball radius of sprue must larger than ball radius nozzle, so don't forget to check diameter of nozzle of injection machine, or you can look at injection machine catalog. for example when ball radius of nozzle of injection machine is 10 mm use ball radius sprue bush 11 until 13 mm.
2. Hole diameter inner must be larger than hole diameter nozzle, diameter nozzle is variating base on machine injection type and manufacture, is about 2 mm until 5 mm. use 0.5 mm more larger than hole diameter of nozzle.
3. check your plate thickness, make sure that length of sprue bush fit with the plate thickness.